Augur launches its V2 Upgrade by introducing a host of DeFi features onto the platform
Augur has announced to successfully deploy its v2 upgrade, through incorporation of DeFi features onto the platform.
On 29 July, Augur accomplished one of its biggest target i.e. launching its v2 protocol contracts on the Ethereum Mainnet and later on, verified on Etherscan. This project has been exclusively devised with an aim that “exchanges, wallet providers, block explorers, and additional services will be updating to the REPv2 contract address over the coming day.”
This upgrade has been launched with the purpose to address bugs and other technical issues that exist in this platform. It is also intended to host affiliate programs and to support other protocols and stable coins.
Augur adapts to developments from DeFi
The project was launched in 20515 but Augur’s v2 upgrade came after five years of that. The new version of upgrade has been made such as that it is in correspondence with the modern developments arising from the decentralized finance (DeFi).
The team wants to work on the upgrade and make it even better. For that reason, it is also encouraging its users to comment about the revamp to the operators of Augur-native services that have not yet been updated.
REP token migration is manual and noncompulsory
Augur is keeping a check on the custodial changes related to token migration. The update is very user friendly and enables REP holders to manually perform the token migration.
However, the platform adds that it is not compulsory to migrate REP to the new REPv2. This requirement might only be mandatory if Augur v2 market decides to enter into the forking process.
Even though the upgrade has been made to advance the infrastructure but REP will always remain transferable because the team has no authority over the token.