Dapp Portal NEAR Protocol Joins Forces with Ontology for Advancing Decentralized Identity Solutions

The leading Dapp platform NEAR Protocol has joined forces with the smart contracts platform Ontology for advancing its Decentralized identifier (DID). As per the announcement made by the Ontology network, the company will provide technical support to NEAR Protocol for making its Decentralized Identifier (DID) more advanced and developed.
Ontology’s expert team will also work on its DID’s deployment as well. Furthermore, according to the announcement, Ontology will make sure that smart contracts of NEAR are implemented and deployed well. Apart from this, in the case of the registration with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the NEAR Protocol will get help from the Ontology network according to the partnership agreement.
NEAR and Ontology share common objectives
While commenting on this partnership, Ontology Americas Ecosystem Lead Erick Pinos said that both of these companies NEAR and Ontology share common objectives. Pinos said that they are looking forward to collaborating with each other on advancing decentralized identity solutions. Pinos stated:
Teaming up with NEAR broadens our remit considerably when it comes to delivering state of the art decentralized identity protocols. NEAR has quickly emerged as a leading dApp platform, attracting wide interest from backers and high profile enterprise partners. We share common objectives in terms of broadening the accessibility of enterprise-grade blockchain applications and decentralized identity solutions and look forward to working together.
The NEAR Foundation is also happy on leveraging the Ontology team’s technical support “particularly in relation to their bespoke ONT ID 2.0”. Adding more to it, the CEO of NEAR Foundation Erik Trautman said:
Following our successful MainNet launch, we are keen to strengthen our partner network, and look forward to extending the power of Ontology’s solutions to our growing customer base.