3D Artist Peter Dennelis Announces Collaboration on Upcoming Major NFT Project / Majestic Bears NFT

After having a conversation with 3D designer now-turned NFT artist Peter Dennelis, and getting an inside look at his extensive creative background, we just had a hunch that he’d be the ideal choice for an artist to help bring the Majestic Bears NFT project to life… and we definitely turned out to be right about it.
Who is Peter Dennelis? Since graduating from the Massachusetts School of Art, he has practiced 3D design for 11 years, and has created 3D designs for world-famous studios such as Disney, Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, and a number of other industry giants. While working alongside other professionals in the industry, such as Andy Nicholson, Kate Hawley, and Adam Stockhausen, Peter has truly made his mark in the world of production design. In fact, iIf you’ve seen Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018), Suicide Squad (2016), or the Steven Spielberg film Ready Player One (2018), then you’ve gotten a taste for the kind of incredible visuals that Peter has put together.
We’d gotten in touch with Peter to pitch the idea of collaborating together on Majestic Bears. After sitting down with the 3D designer now-turned NFT artist, and getting an inside look at his accomplished background, we had no doubts in our minds that he checked off all the boxes for the right artist to help bring the Majestic Bears NFT project to life.
Every Majestic Bear is a huge symbol of success, and they each possess their own unique style and background. They’re bursting full of energy, ready to charge upward and take over the world and the Metaverse at a moment’s notice.
Supported by our team of investors, entrepreneurs, Blockchain experts, and marketing wizards, there’s no obstacle that can possibly stop The Majestic Bears from taking over the Metaverse, and becoming one of the most iconic NFT collections of all time.
We took a day to have a conversation with Peter Dennelis to hear his thoughts on the Majestic Bears NFT project, and what excited him the most about it. We also talked about what the transition into the world of NFTs has been like for him.
Q: Can you tell us what excites you the most about the Majestic Bears NFT project?
Peter Dennelis: Where do I start? I’m totally fascinated by the world of NFTs and crypto in general. I’d say what excites me the most overall about Majestic Bears, is that these creations are going to come to life in a way that;s completely different from the other pieces I’ve done. By that, I mean that people will be able to interact with their Majestic Bear in the Metaverse. Each of them will have their unique personalities and special abilities that totally separate them from so many of the other, mundane projects I see out there.
Q: NFTs are still in the early stages of adoption. What did you know about them before starting on Majestic Bears?
Peter Dennelis: Hardly anything worth noting. I had been hearing about NFTs for several months from various sources – TV, YouTube, Twitter, and so on. Still, I don’t think I’m the only one out there who, despite having heard about and read about it so much, still don’t really understand it. But hey – it must be pretty important if celebrities like Steve Aoki are buying Bored Ape NFTs or things like that.
A few months back, I headed to Miami Beach to attend the Art Basel – an annual contemporary art exhibition. I met Julien there, who’s the co-founder of Majestic Bears. he told me all about how he had been involved in NFTs even before they became mainstream, and how he was traveling around giving talks about them. I can’t really put my finger on it, but there was something inspiring about being around Julien. Plus, he was looking for an artist for his collection… So, after meeting up and chatting a few times, we decided to link up and work on Majestic Bears together.
Q: Is it possible that you’ll be doing other NFT projects in the near future?
Peter Dennelis: It’s very likely. I mean, I know we haven’t even finished Majestic Bears, but I’m totally engrossed in the idea of making more collections. What a lot of people are not aware of, is that the NFT space is providing an incredible opportunity for artists to get paid very well for their work, while also providing extra incentives for people to buy, such as membership in exclusive clubs. I can only imagine what other innovations are going to come about in the future. We’re only just scratching the surface of what’s possible right now.